Language Switcher

Our meeting place

What is Europe House and why should you visit us?

It’s a place where you can talk, ask questions, learn, acquire new skills and knowledge, discover new cultures, meet colleagues and friends, and engage in debates about diversity and policies. But most importantly, it’s a place where your voice can be heard! A meeting point for people, cultures, and ideas.

Kod nas možete dobiti korisne informacije o Evropskoj uniji, ali i o tome kako možete da učestvujete u različitim aktivnostima u oblasti inovacija, obrazovanja, kulture, ekonomije, sporta i mladih.



The Europe House is dedicated to strengthening the bonds between Serbia and the European Union. Through a diverse range of activities and programs, we promote mutual understanding, share common values, and enhance cooperation, actively supporting Serbia’s European integration process.



Our vision is to make the Europe House a place where Serbian citizens come together to actively participate in shaping the European future of their country. We aim to foster open dialogue and exchange of ideas, strengthening the collaboration between Serbia and the European Union, and creating a space for a society that shares common values and goals.



The Europe House is committed to promoting and preserving European values. We believe in the power of cooperation, the importance of mutual respect and dialogue, and the role of education as a key tool in building a prosperous society. Our programs and activities aim to create an inclusive environment where every idea is valued, and every citizen has the opportunity to contribute to Serbia’s European future.

Organizujemo radionice za mlade i decu, obuke, izložbe, filmske projekcije, kulturne performanse i info sesije,  predavanja i seminare, okrugle stolove, panel diskusije, debate. Svakog meseca predstavljamo i nove mogućnosti koje vam pruža EU.
Our doors are always open to you.

The Europe House is more than just a physical space – it is a testament to the enduring values of unity, diversity, and cooperation that define our shared European identity

Language Switcher




O kolačićima

Naša web stranica koristi kolačiće kako bi vam pružila najbolje moguće iskustvo. Kolačići su male datoteke koje se čuvaju na vašem uređaju i pomažu nam da personalizujemo sadržaj, analiziramo saobraćaj i poboljšamo funkcionalnost sajta.

Klikom na “Prihvatam” slažete se sa upotrebom kolačića u skladu sa našim Uslovima korišćenja, Politikom privatnosti i Politikom kolačića. Ako želite da saznate više o tome kako koristimo kolačiće i kako ih možete kontrolisati, molimo vas da pročitate naše politike.

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