U okviru Književnog kluba Kreativne Evrope, u Evropskoj kući je gostovala danska spisateljica Ane Katrine Boman koja je predstavila svoju
"European Night of Researchers", under the slogan "Attention! Science on the road" was held last Friday in sixteen places across Serbia. In Nis,
Svečanom priredbom u Evropskoj kući u Beogradu 27. septembra svečano je otvorena Evropska noć istraživača u Srbiji. U pitanju
The European Week of Opportunities ends today in Nis, where those interested will be able to learn more about the opportunities offered by the European Union
Evropski dan jezika se proslavlja 26. septembra svake godine od 2001. godine u saradnji sa Evropskom komisijom, a na predlog
The fourth day of the European Week of Opportunities is dedicated to education, youth and sports, and the program opened with the signing of two important documents for